Teatr Figur Krakow


Te­atr Fi­gur Kraków (TFK) is a con­tem­po­rary for­mal (pup­pet) theatre which mis­sion is to create au­thor’s per­for­man­ces and ar­tistic events, se­eking for new forms of expres­sion and fin­ding con­tem­po­rary ele­ments in tra­ditio­nal pup­pet’s tech­niques. Pa­ral­lel to ar­tistic ac­tivity TFK aims are: to po­pularize pup­pet theatre in Kraków, to create an ac­tive circ­le of ar­tists of vario­us fields of art as well as au­dien­ce who use an of­fer of TFK ac­tively (work­shops, dis­scu­sion etc.).




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