The cave that the legendary dragon inhabited leads down from Wawel Hill to the bank of the Vistula. The legendary beast terrorised the locals and demanded offerings of cattle, though in an...
Wawel Royal Castle, Wawel 5
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Works in which the relationship with the surroundings they are in plays a significant role and provides a semantic clinch are usually called installations. Artists employ the exhibition space...
MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow, ul. Lipowa 4
Rydlówka, a one-of-a-kind destination, has multiple links to the art of the Young Poland movement – including painting, literature, playwriting and theatre. This place has left its mark...
Rydlówka, ul. Tetmajera 28
At the permanent exhibition of the National Museum in Krakow in the Arsenal, you can see 1000 objects from the Middle East, Egypt, Greece and Italy. The oldest ones come from the 3rd millennium...
The Arsenal of the Princes Czartoryski Museum, ul. Pijarska 8
At the new exhibition at the Szołayski House, we will follow the history of Polish design from the turn of the 20th century until the present day, with the 350 exhibits representing design...
The Feliks Jasieński Szołayski House, pl. Szczepański 9
What is architecture, and what is its potential? How can we describe its relationship with people? The new permanent exhibition at the Szołayski House explores these and other questions to capture...
The Feliks Jasieński Szołayski House, pl. Szczepański 9