Angels, archangels, seraphim and cherubs – this year their nature and representations in art will be the theme of 16 concerts and 12 exhibitions, as well as a city game entitled He Will Send his Angels... to Krakow. Thanks to the Cracovia Sacra Night, we will visit, among others, the Dominican Museum, the Archdiocesan Museum, the Museum of Cistercian Spirituality and Culture in Mogiła and the Historical and Missionary Museum of the Congregation of Missionary Fathers, as well as the corners of Dominican, Bernardine and Benedictine monasteries that are usually hidden behind the cloister. The event will be officially inaugurated with an open-air performance by artists from St Norbert's Cellar Cherubic Wanderer (14th August, 8 p.m., Carmelite Monastery). The Musica sacra of Wawel Cathedral will be performed by the Royal Rorantists (14 August, 7 p.m., Wawel Cathedral), and , the 150-person Akademia Mała Ciupaga ensemble will perform in the gardens of the Pauline Basilica (14 August, 5.30 p.m.). The exhibitions will include Angelic Motifs from the Franciscan Treasury (Franciscan Monastery) and Angels in Crucifixion Scenes (hospital garden of the Knights Hospitallers).
The detailed programme is available on the website of the event.