The members of the European Alliance of Academies, together with the Akademie der Künste and Villa Decius, invite you to an international debate on artistic freedom and the right of artists to artistic freedom. The two-part debate, which will take place on 22 September at Villa Decius in Krakow with representatives of cultural institutions and artists, will be inaugurated by a keynote speech by Alexandra Xanthaka, UN Special Rapporteur on Cultural Rights. whose predecessor Karima Bennoune already published a country report on Poland in 2020.
Welcome: Dominika Kasprowicz | Director of Villa Decius, Jeanine Meerapfel | President Akademie der Künste & Initiator of the European Alliance of Academie, Robert Piaskowski | Plenipotentiary of the Mayor of the City of Kraków for Culture
Keynote Alexandra Xanthaki | UN Special Rapporteur in the field of Cultural Rights
Roundtable „Rights and Freedom of Culture in Times of Political Change“ (part 1.)**
Topic: Freedom of arts and culture – selected countries’ cases, culture and freedom of arts in the public debate and countries’ policies, the European Alliance of Academies and other examples of the sub-national networks of solidarity.
Jan Tomasz Adamus | Conductor, artistic director of Capella Cracoviensis
Ferenc Czinki | EAoA, President Szépírók Társasága
Valerio Rocco Lozano | EAoA, Director of Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid
Wolfgang Kaleck | European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights
Jeanine Meerapfel | President Akademie der Künste & Initiator of the European Alliance of Academies
Aleš Šteger | EAoA, Slovenian writer and member of Akademie der Künste
Alexandra Xanthaki | UN Special Rapporteur in the field of Cultural Rights
Cécile Wajsbrot | EAoA, French writer and member of Akademie der Künste
Moderator: Marion Döring | EAoA,
Roundtable „Rights and Freedom of Culture in Times of Political Change“ (part 2.) **
Topic: The right to culture as a human right, cultural institutions as an artistic freedom safe havens, the changing model of cultural policy in Poland, culture as a political issue – current challenges, future scenarios
Witold Bereś | Journalist, Writer, Filmmaker
Krzysztof Głuchowski | The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow Director
Dominika Kasprowicz | Villa Decius, Jagiellonian University
Bartosz Szydłowski | Artistic director of Divine Comedy Festival and Łaźnia Nowa Direktor
Natalia Zarzecka | Director of the Cricoteca
Moderator: Justyna Nowicka |Journalist
** Event with simultaneous translation PL_ENG, transmitted online
About EAA:
THE EUROPEAN ALLIANCE OF ACADEMIES is an international network of art colleges and cultural institutions across Europe that advocates freedom of the arts. Through new forms of cooperation, the institutions have an international and direct exchange of information on cultural policy developments in their respective countries. The EAoA supports the exchange of art and artists, especially those who may experience socio-political restrictions on their artistic work or freedom of expression.
The EAA's partner institutions include more than 60 renowne art academies, national cultural policy actors, but also smaller cultural institutions from countries in the European Union, the United Kingdom and Norway.
Art and Culture are essential for a functioning democracy and for social cohesion. We stand for the freedom of the arts as a prerequisite for our cultural, social and political way of life. The independence of artistic positions and institutions from political, national and religious prescriptions is the foundation of democracy. We stand with the arts for a humanism that opposes all forms of racism, discrimination and violence. We also defend human rights for those who were not born in Europe but who seek a chance for survival and peaceful coexistence here. - write the initiators of the EUROPEAN ALLIANCE OF ACADEMIES in their founding manifesto.
More about EAA:
An event of the European Alliance of Academies, organised by Akademie der Künste and Villa Decius.