Dance, Dance, Dance
What is dialogue? It is a conversation exchange, but it’s also more than that. The essence of friendship is dialogue, so the organisers of the 6th International Contemporary Dance Festival KRoki (11-20 May) move away from last year’s theme of conflict to encourage participants to engage in conversation with artists and release positive energy which accompanies every open dialogue.
The stages at the Małopolska Garden of Arts and the Juliusz Słowacki Theatre welcome audiences and dancers conversing through various languages of movement. A tangible symbol of dialogue is a table appearing during dance spectacles and film screenings – a space which divides and brings us together, as explained in the performance “Tabula” by Compagnie Linga opening this year’s KRoki. The programme includes performances and installations by artists from Poland, Lithuania and Israel. There will also be a special spectacle for kids: “Colourful Games” by the Lithuanian Dansema Dance Theatre.
The organisers also host the film review “Dances With Cinema” introducing viewers to the boundless means of physical expression presented through a film narrative. Participants in this year’s dance workshops learn GAGA – a language of movement created by the legendary Ohad Naharin, founder and choreographer of the Batsheva Dance Company from Israel – with Small KRoki prepared especially for the youngest participants. Full programme in the “Calendar”.
(Justyna Skalska, “Karnet” magazine)